La bella addormentata: Quando i tempi non sono maturi - Il merito del principe

La bella addormentata (Rosaspina) 
Sleeping Beauty (Rosamond)
La bella durmiente (Preciosa Rosa)
La belle au bois dormant

Riflessioni e considerazioni:
Le fiabe fanno quello che vogliono
Fairytales do as they please
Quando i tempi non sono maturi - Il merito del principe
La bella addormentata è la fiaba del Risveglio

Quando i tempi non sono maturi
"…ogni tanto veniva qualche principe che si avventurava attraverso il roveto tentando di raggiungere il castello. Ma non riuscivano a penetrarvi perché‚ le spine li trattenevano come se si fosse trattato di mani, ed essi si impigliavano e morivano miseramente."
Talvolta capitano periodi in cui qualsiasi cosa si faccia non si va da nessuna parte.

Nonostante l’impegno, la preparazione, la cura, per un motivo o per l’altro si finisce sempre con un nulla di fatto, si viene accantonati a colpi di “le faremo sapere” con idee e progetti che non vengono nemmeno presi in considerazione.

Situazioni di stallo in cui nonostante potenzialità e competenze ci si ritrova come i principi della fiaba a perire  miseramente tra le spine. E allora ci si interroga e ci si tormenta: “cos’ho sbagliato? cosa non va in quel che faccio? cosa non va in me?”.

Ma forse non c’è proprio nulla di sbagliato e la ricerca di errori che non ci sono fa solo star male e colpevolizzarsi invano.

Del resto che impegno e valore da soli non bastino è risaputo pure negli ambiti più realistici e concreti, non a caso le aziende ordinano studi e ricerche di mercato per fare delle scelte, si sa che quando i tempi non sono maturi è inutile proporre un prodotto.

Talvolta, assurdamente, viene respinto proprio ciò che è troppo valido perché cozza contro atteggiamenti di chiusura, rigidità e immobilismo per il momento insuperabili.

Se si cerca d’insistere, il rifiuto si fa solo più ostinato e il fallimento è inevitabile ma è inutile tormentarsi cercando errori o colpe, l'impossibilità è esterna, in sé non c’è assolutamente nulla che non va.

Il merito del principe

Il principe che infine trionfa non è il predestinato, non è l'eletto, non è il più bello, il più intelligente, il più buono. È solo colui che arriva al momento giusto.

Ancora una volta di doti o virtù la fiaba non parla proprio, ancora una volta il protagonista che trionfa potrebbe essere chiunque.

Ma mostrandoci l’agire del principe la fiaba ci offre un grande insegnamento.
"Già suo nonno gli aveva narrato che molti principi avevano tentato di penetrare fra le spine ma vi erano rimasti imprigionati ed erano miseramente periti."
Stando ai discorsi del nonno ci sono tutte le sacrosante ragioni per lasciar perdere, i precedenti sono scoraggianti.
E discorsi come quelli del nonno sono frequenti in tempi come i nostri, tempi di crisi, tempi di contratti non rinnovati, di posti di lavori che saltano, di mancati pagamenti, di porte chiuse in faccia. Tempi in cui ci sono tutte le sacrosante ragioni per non provarci nemmeno “tanto si sa già come va a finire”

Perché il principe ce la fa? Perché sposa la bella? Perché il lieto fine?!

Esclusivamente perché non dà retta al vecchio. Sa che ci sono stati solo fallimenti ma non si lascia fermare da quel che è successo in passato.
"Allora il giovane disse: "Io non ho timore: attraverserò i rovi e vedrò la bella Rosaspina." Il vecchio cercò di dissuaderlo in tutti i modi, ma egli non gli diede retta."
Nulla di speciale nel principe, nessuna qualità, nessuna abilità, nessuna prova in cui eccellere, solo questa: pur conoscendo i fallimenti del passato attraversa la siepe.
Questa è la sola prova, la sola cosa che conta.

Solo per questo la bella e l’intero reame riprendono vita, solo per questo i cento anni non scadono invano.

The Sleeping Beauty: Fairytales do as they please

La bella addormentata (Rosaspina) 
Sleeping Beauty (Rosamond)
La bella durmiente (Preciosa Rosa)
La belle au bois dormant

Riflessioni e considerazioni:
Le fiabe fanno quello che vogliono
Fairytales do as they please
Quando i tempi non sono maturi - Il merito del principe
La bella addormentata è la fiaba del Risveglio

Fairytales do as they please (original Italian draft Le fiabe fanno quello che vogliono)

(original Italian draft Le fiabe fanno quello che vogliono)

Looking at it through the eyes of reason, the prince character from “The Sleeping Beauty” isn’t right. He should be looked at, as there is no “reason” for his success. He doesn’t pass any trial, he isn’t the best, he isn’t more brave, or stronger, or bolder than anyone before him.

If he doesn’t do and doesn’t have anything special what are we teaching to our children? There should be something more “educative”, with a prince without virtues our fairy tale isn’t transferring any “moral value”.
But who are we kidding?!

What happens in reality?
Oh no, how frustrating reality is! It doesn’t give two hoots about how things should be and what is right and what isn’t. It doesn’t follow any schemes, it improvises, and when you think you have all the answers it changes the questions. And it’s pointless to complain “things don’t pan out as they should and there’s no justice in this world”, it just does as it pleases.

“Reasoning”, there should be something to give motivation, to give a point to what happens, to justify it, “reasoning” what happens “must” be the effect to a cause.
And one must understand, dig into the past, find causes, culprits and faults, and assemble the pieces together. If memory isn’t enough there must be something else, past lives and debts, or occult designs of some sort.

It’s a chase without end behind feelings of guilt and fears that never seem to match.

If “The Sleeping Beauty” were a fable, the reason why the prince is triumphant and the others fail would be clear as day.

What happens instead is the prince kissing and marrying the beauty simply because he’s in the right place at the right time.

Now, one hundred years had passed since the day when the prince attempted the task. When he approached the thorned vines all he found was beautiful flowers that moved as he passed through, closing behind him and letting him through unharmed.
Why? Because “The Sleeping Beauty” is a fairy tale, and fairy tales break all schemes.
There is no cause and effect chain!

La bella addormentata (Rosaspina) 
Sleeping Beauty (Rosamond)
La bella durmiente (Preciosa Rosa)
La belle au bois dormant

Riflessioni e considerazioni:
Le fiabe fanno quello che vogliono
Fairytales do as they please
Quando i tempi non sono maturi - Il merito del principe
La bella addormentata è la fiaba del Risveglio

The Three Spinners - Considerations

Riflessioni e considerazioni

A disconcerting story? Uneducational? A joke perhaps?
A do-nothing liar who winds up in the best possible way.
This couldn’t possibly be our moral!
We’d rather accept what the queen says “You may be poor, but I make nothing of that: your industry is dowry enough”
Effort, skill, success. These would be ethical teachings!
Or would they?

It took me a while to put things together.

On one occasion it occurred to me to tell this story to a couple that would go on and on complaining about how lazy and indolent their daughter was. She wasn’t appreciative of the cultural vacations they took her on, or of the museums they visited together, or of the classes they signed her up for. All she wanted was to play, and she was very close to a friend that they considered to be little more than a savage.

This fable left them stunned. They demanded that I explain it to them at once.
Unfortunately what is explained to us by others doesn’t hold the same value of what we discover ourselves. At the time they wouldn’t bother to consider this, so I just shared my discoveries with them.

This fable wouldn’t be bothered meddling with your everyday moral trivialities.
It looks to be as straightforward as possible, and avoids mentioning any positive qualities that could trick our thoughts.
It doesn’t want to create any doubts. The young girl holds no virtue, and no merit.
It must be clear! She can’t do anything and she doesn’t even want to.
She’s indolent!
In comparison, “The Golden Goose”’s Simpleton makes an effort, he wills and he insists.
Here the young girl can only lie to avoid being shamed.
She finds herself in the castle, set to marry the prince with mountains of linen to spin without ever having intended to do such things.
Desperate, all she knows how to do is looking out the window.

This fable is extremely honest.
Our protagonist isn’t a paragon of skill and virtue.
She’s a person like any of us, who get out of bed in the morning and run around all day hiding our inconfessable sloth.
We do what we do to avoid the worst.

Yet we are asked to do the things we don’t know how to do.
It doesn’t matter if we ended up in such situations because of others. It doesn’t matter if what we are asked is far beyond our possibilities. It doesn’t matter if we never intended to be surrounded by impossible amounts of work.
At times we may be in deep to our necks and still maintain our attitude, pretending like everything is under our control and all we can do is take time, make up excuses.
We can’t always do what is expected of us, therefore we can’t always be men and women of virtue, or sincere.

The tale isn’t trivial to the point of confronting us with impossible examples of perfection that would make us feel inadequate or guilty.
It seeks to help us.

What message is it trying to convey?
First of all that the girl reaches out the window, sees the spinsters and is presented with an offer of help.
Help comes from the outside! This is the first teaching.
Shutting ourselves into a room, to try and manage or to cry alone, we won’t receive any help.

What the fable wants to be clear is that the girl will live a splendid life because she doesn’t feel ashamed for the help she received.

Those who reach a certain status can weave themselves into a web of relationships and duties to the point of forgetting people that were once very dear to them.
There is no time to spare for others. They’re not part of the circle and they wouldn’t belong.

The young girl from our story does not forget about the spinsters.
She wants them by her side on the day of her wedding. She welcomes them in the most sincere and loving fashion.
The prince won’t understand what binds her to those old, goofy hags.However the girl doesn’t care about their appearances, and shows no shame in front of the prince.

This marks the beginning of her fortune.

And to me, this looks like a really ethical story, am I right?

Riflessioni e considerazioni